This is one award category that is highlighted every year whereby new and upcoming talent is awarded. This year Fastnet helmsman 2018 Young Sailor of the Year award has been won by a seventeen year old.
Those who were nominated for the award have all worked hard to deserve the trophy. However, this year the 17 year old lad has been able to charm the sponsors, has sailed three thousand miles and more such as doing masses at school for helping towards Project Scaramouche. Hence, the award was given to him for the effort and commitment he had put in. Greig Academy sailing program has had project Scaramouche on in the borough of Haringey. The academy sponsors several pupils who come of varied communities and background. About 73 percent of the pupils who are sponsored by the program are of the disadvantaged category. The sailing program focuses on teaching pupils not only as a one off experience, but also to help them develop their sailing skills. Hence, the award program is more than a mere recognition of talent in young sailors, but commits in developing sailing skills in schoolchildren.